RDS – 责任羽绒标准
负责任的羽绒标准(RDS)是一项针对羽绒行业中鸟类道德对待的认证计划。 Control Union Certifications BV 已获得 SLAB 的认可,注册号为CP 004-01。
立刻申请RDS标准RDS – Responsible Down Standard
The textile industry has become increasingly aware of its sourcing challenges. In particular the use of animal products such as feather and down, wool, angora, cashmere and leather. And, with the development of the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), a leading standard for animal welfare in down and feather products has been created. With Control Union’s global expertise, we can offer services for all animal products included in textiles.
为确保持续改进羽绒行业的最佳动物福利实践,Control Union 会进行审核,以检查您的供应链是否符合 RDS。RDS由Control Union、The North Face和Textile Exchange通过广泛的利益相关者审查程序制定,其中包括全球供应链下游成员和主要动物福利组织。RDS的范围包括从农场和屠宰设施(动物福利)到羽绒加工商和服装厂(可追溯性)的整个下行供应链。Control Union Certifications BV 已获得 SLAB 的认可,注册号为CP 004-01。
Control Union performs audits to ensure supply chain compliance, offering inspections for various indicators and assisting with supply chain analysis. Control Union provides pre-audit support and develop standards for different materials.